Our principals are empowered to lead their academies, and they do so primarily in the best interests of their students and their school. They also work in partnership with other principals for the good of the Trust as a whole.
They articulate their own culture, values and vision for learning around our shared core principles. We empower our people in every area and at every level of the organisation, and hold them accountable for their outcomes. We develop a strong culture of student leadership in all our academies.
As Dixons Newall Green is welcoming a new cohort of students into the academy, we are also excited to welcome additional Trust leaders to the Senior Team to continue supporting our students to climb their mountain and live a fulfilling life.
To find out more about our new Senior Team members, read the profiles below.

Jo Whitworth

Kate Henney
Vice Principal

Rosie Vessey
Assistant Principal

Ben Ashcroft
Assistant Principal

Kat Martin
Trust Assistant Principal- Attendance

Sarah Linton
Trust Assistant Principal- Safeguarding

Nicole Dempsey
Director of SEND and Safeguarding

Amanda Harrison
Trust Assistant Principal- Inclusion

Aimee Cobb
Head of English

Dhuha Al-Hermezi
Head of Maths

Jessie Johnstone
Head of Science

Yichun Kirkham
Head of MFL

Ashley Jones
Head of PE

Sarah Waite
Head of Year 8

Beth Foden
Head of Year 7